Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dell Yount receives amazing news...

                Her name is Stephanie...
                she's 39 years old, living happily
                with her husband and beautiful children
                in the lovely town of Wrightwood, CA..
                Two days ago, I received a call from her.
                She began by saying she did not want
                anything at all from me. She only needed
                to ask a few questions and wondered
                if I would be willing to answer.
                As we spoke, she listed a few names.
                Names I recognized... family names.
                Great-Grandparents... Grandparents...
                and my mother, by her maiden name.
                She asked if I remembered her mother.
                Yes, I remembered her from high school.

                Stephanie then told me she had done
                a 23andMe: DNA Genetic Testing & Analysis.
                She explained that her search on Ancestry
                revealed that she had a genetic connection
                to the names she previously shared with me.
                There was a long pause.
                "I think you may be my biological father" she said.
                An even longer pause. "We should meet." I said.
                I drove 3 hours from Del Mar to Wrightwood.
                We met at a park. Just the two of us.
                It was wonderful and thrilling to meet her.
                We spoke for a few hours. She's intelligent,
                beautiful and talented. And she sings...
                of course she sings. She's my daughter!